Occupational Therapy for Adults
As our loved ones’ needs change due to age or illness, it can be very challenging to help them to access the care they need. They may not be able to tell you what they need, be aware their abilities have changed or be reluctant to acknowledge that they may need help.
I offer highly specialised occupational therapy assessment of care needs to support adults with complex aging/health concerns to understand the challenges they face, the services and support available to them and their family locally and how they, and their families/carers, can access that support. The aim of my intervention is to help the person to achieve and maintain a sense of wellbeing, whilst maintaining their independence and safety at home. For example: people can become depressed and stop doing things they enjoy when their physical health begins to change. With my expert advice I will help you and them to understand the impact of their physical health on their functioning. I will then support you to overcome these barriers to re-engage in the activities you enjoy.
An assessment package will contain:
An informal interview with the person and their family/carer to understand their concerns, their wishes for the future and the important roles and activities that they wish to continue with.
A standardised functional assessment to understand how the illness/ aging process is affecting the person’s ability to meet their goals and impacting on their day-to-day life.
A formal report, containing a summary of the results and recommendations for care planning, how to help your loved one to access that care and information on the help and support available to you locally. This report would be acceptable to Social Services and Personal Independence Payment benefit assessors.
An intervention package could contain:
Support to explore local community resources, care providers and development of a bespoke support package.
Education and support for family and carers.
Sign posting to local Carer support services.
Short-term occupational intervention to aide mental health recovery and development of routines that support recovery and promote resilience to reduce the risk of relapse.
All intervention packages would be created in agreement with the person and their family/carers and would be dependent on individual need. Types of needs I have worked successfully with in the past include: